Saturday, November 7, 2015

Busy End of October

2015 Halloween:  Albert Einstein and Mary Poppins...  "Practically perfect in every way..."

I had big plans this year to have a weekly {12 Weeks of Christmas} post for you, but I'm afraid the craziness of Halloween and a lot of substitute teaching put a crimp in that plan. 

My youngest wanted to be Mary Poppins and I found the sweetest pattern for an overcoat just like Mary would wear.  It was a Vogue pattern, so it was a little fussy, but we're both excited that she'll have a cozy coat to wear for church and special occasions. I also managed to crank out the scarf (I knit while I wait at dance, soccer, in line for school pick-up, etc). 

Now that the craziness of Halloween has subsided, the house is quasi-put-back-together and the laundry is almost caught up, it's time to get back on schedule.  I look forward to catching you up on my 2015 edition of the {12 Weeks of Christmas}!

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